Free Light Software - language of the world

Free Light Software is a French company specialized in the distribution of Asian language software such as Japanese, Chinese, Russian or Arabic as well as the development and the translation of web sites to Japanese. We are also the publisher of multimedia based educational software such as Free Light Japanese and Free Light Arabic. Please click on your language choice to see our catalog.
japanese flag To Japanese
french flag To French

Catalog of our products

Japanese Software

This section contains a catalog of Japanese software.

Chinese Software

This section contains a catalog of Chinese software.

Russian Software

This section contains a catalog of Russian software.

Arabic Software

This section contains a catalog of Arabic software.

Hebrew Software

This section contains a catalog of Hebrew software.

Special discount sale: French Windows XP pro SP2, box full version

Windows XP professional full SP2 French version (not OEM version, so the product comes in a retail package with a user manual), including *free world-wide shipment by Federal Express costs you only 450 US$. This is lower than the shop price in France! Though Windows Vista has been just released, XP is recommended for those who are afraid of compatibility issues. Click on the following button to purchase it with a credit card. Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by Free Light Software. *Free shipment available only for USA, Canada, Japan and EC countries. Please e-mail us for other countries.
Microsoft has released 22 different language versions of Windows and Office. Check our catalog or send us an e-mail for other language inquiries.

Product information

If you need further information of the products, please contact us at the following address. Special tariff for dealers is available.
Free Light Software
3 rue des Primevères, 91380 Chilly-Mazarin, France
Tel: +33 1-64548234
Fax: +33 1-64549080

Downloading products

Several programs of demonstration being available from our Web server, nevertheless we recommend you to use an anonymous FTP connection, because it should be faster. Please take a glance at the file "index.txt" in order to know the content. The address to use is:

Most of the files are compacted form and you need an unfreezing utilities such as WinZip for Windows or StuffIt for Macintosh. If you don't have it, you should connect to the respective site by clicking on the underscored word.

Internet in Japan

With 60 million of users, Japan is now the second internet market of the world. So it is highly recommended to communicate with their language, if Japanese market interests you. If you have already a web site written in English or French, we can translate it to Japanese and submit to the main Japanese search engines. Please click here to get more information on our service.
Last update: March 30, 2009 : Copyright, Free Light Software : Our privacy policy